Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blood Types

So I have thought about this a lot, and I have begun to formulate some mostly baseless and occasionally reasonable stereotypes about people of various blood types.

O-: The universal donor, what a bitch! They just give to everyone and they won't take anything for themselves. They are all holier than thou with their whole altruism thing. They don't mean it though they are just trying to make you feel bad. Sure they'll give you their blood, but they'll also give you shit you don't want. They will give you their garbage or herpes or maybe like a dog who craps everywhere. They also always make you feel like you owe them all of the damn time. Like this fucking O- bastard was at my house and he was like "here you pick the channel" but he said it as though he really wanted to, but he'd make a sacrifice for me. I felt bad, but I wasn't about to let that fucker play mind games with me. I put on Dexter and it was a fantastic episode. I'm not letting that little reverse-psychology using falsely altruistic cock bag manipulate me with "feelings". They are also hugely internally oppressive. They steal shit from other O- people all of the time. That really doesn't make any sense to me.

O+: Have you ever seen Office Space? Well I don't really give a shit if you have, because I have and for this story that's all that matters. There is a character in that movie who says "OH!" all of the damn time. They are like that. They use monosyllabic (why does that word have so many syllables?) ejaculations (hehe) constantly. OH WOW WHOA ZOUNDS it never fucking ends. I really just wanna punch all of those O+s in the face. I wish they could just use real sentences, like "that is some cool shit." rather than "OH!" Would a little bit of articulation really hurt that much man? I mean maybe you'd be tolerable if you would speak ANY FUCKING LANGUAGE!

A-: Always obsessing and never succeeding. They would be fun to watch if they weren't so whiny. They are like Wiley Coyote if he could talk, and CONSTANTLY PISSED ME OFF! I mean sometimes shit doesn't work out that's just the worst thing ever idn't it? People who never do anything right need to get used to failing, but sadly these bastards never do. They are perfectionists without the talent or dedication to effectively live up to their own standards. They are the kind of people that ask you to read their writing and say, "Don't be mean, or I'll cry." They can't deal with seeing their own failings, which is an issue since they always have so goddamned many of them. A-s have usually have a few talents, but they sacrifice them in order to be good at everything. It's kinda sad how they just end up mediocore at most things and shitty at everything else. They also never stick with anything, because they quit when they come to terms with the inevitability of their own failure.

A+: These are the ones who are GOOD at everything. It pisses me off as much as the ones that suck at everything. I sit around playing some hackey sack getting up to fifteen kicks and then suddenly some A+ kid bursts in and gets 30 while reciting all of Hamlet's Soliloquies, and then leaves with the only attractive girl in the circle. This may sound like hyperbole, but it really isn't. A+ assholes are often members of yacht clubs, country clubs, and student government. They are the kind of kids who know everything about sports, and everything about fashion. They never know shit about books or like really interesting things. They can definitely tell you who won the super bowl in 1999, but they cannot tell you who killed Mr. Burns. They seem smart because they do well in school, but they don't actually learn anything. They are just moving forward through the process till they get to have a big corporate job with lots of money.

B+: These people are just radically absurd individuals. All they do is wildly run about smashing things and sniffing glue. They do a lot of drugs (which is acceptable) but they never chill on their drugs they just get more and more dangerous. I'm sure you know people who just do some drugs and then they just wanna punch and kick and hurt people. They are generally rude all of the time, but they can be a lot of fun. They are probably my favorite blood type because they are totally genuine. If nothing else they are friendly, but dangerously combustible. These are the kind of people who become terrorists. The smart ones become ecoterrorists (respectable) and the other ones become the bomby kind of terrorists (just plain rude) They are at least genuine and principled. They are the kind of people who sit outside smoking cigarettes and calling everyone sellouts. That kinda gets old after a while.

B-: The least genuine of all of the people in the land. They sit around concealing their flaws by pointing out other people's shortcomings. There is a serious issue with this approach to life. The flaws they point out in order to ingratiate themselves with genuinely better people are often the same flaws that they manifest themselves. they approach people and say "god that kid is fat" and the response is often "dude you're a fuckin' whale" It must be hard to judge everyone when you suck so goddamned bad. They also suck ass at sports and gambling. They are basically just coniving insects who lack an ability to act as individuals without failing miserably.

AB+: The greedy mooching bastards. They take everyone's shit and then they store it in like a giant AB+ storehouse. It's a big conspiracy to make AB+ the richest blood type of all. They are slowly taking over media and commerce to forward their scheming agenda. An AB+ has no qualm with giving another AB+ any amount of money or goods. When it comes to giving anything to a person of any other blood type they are the stingiest of the stingy. They tend to smell like garlic, which is weird.

AB-: The greatest blood type of all. My blood type. Smart, charming, funny, maybe a vampire. AB- is egalitarian and nice, but also down to earth and genuine. We are also known for our modesty and reluctance to toot our own horn. Some say that we are arrogant, but I think that's just silly. There is also a rumor that we look down on other blood types, but as you can see I portrayed all blood types with complete and total accuracy.

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